Thursday, April 8, 2010

Transportation in London

In the video “Transport in London, Tubes, Buses, and Cabs, London Transport,” the host talks about the various methods of transportation in London. You can ride by bus, by the tube or Underground, walk, or by cab. The Underground will get you into London from Heathrow airport when you arrive in the U.K. To ride the Underground, you need to know your destination and the color of the line you are taking. London is divided into zones, which will also determine how much you pay. Some things to remember when you’re on the tube is that: “no one talks unless you’re Australian, South African, or a New Zealander, make sure you let other people get off before you get on otherwise you’ll get bowled over, and if you can get a seat, [that’s] a very good thing.” It is best to get an Oyster Card if you are going to be using the tube often. You can load it up weekly or monthly depending on how often you will be using the tube. You can get a day pass if you only plan on traveling by tube for that day. Traveling by bus is much cheaper than traveling by tube and you get to see more of London while you travel. The only problem is that the system for choosing a bus is really confusing. To travel by bus you need to know your destination, bus number, bus stop, and which direction the bus is going in. There is a map and guide that will help you find out that information.
This video relates to my topic because I would definitely go to London when I first arrive in the U.K., and I might choose to live there. I would probably use the tube first and get an Oyster Card, even though it’s expensive, until I become more acquainted with the city. After that, I might use the buses because it’s less expensive. The problem that I had with this video is that it didn’t talk about cabs even though they were mentioned in the title. Even though not that many people drive in London, I felt that the host should have talked about it because there are some things you need to know if you plan to drive in London. It was nice that the video showed the tube and bus route maps. Overall it was a very informative video.

"transport in london, tubes buses and cabs, london transport." Web. 10 Apr 2010.

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